The editors of AR/Architecture Research 2022—Form of Resistance—are calling for papers that, through research and/or projects, posit Form as a transmittable representation of the correspondence between acts of resistance, whereby its performance—superficies, space and shape—can be understood as a complicit, even if at times spurious, entwinement with substance.
The part is the whole: each of the two sides which is the whole goes back over to the other: antidosis twixt a language and a world; “exchange of a reciprocity of proofs,” whose myth is that of the flood, when world things climb aboard the book of Noah, ark of the covenant, through the procession of naming under pressure of the end of the world that has begun. On the threshold the throbbing of language where crisscross a world for the being who speaks of it and the poem of a tongue for a world therein configured, at this divide stands a subject as in the utopia that finds its metaphor in every timberline: scene of the crease of the world’s difference through its figurants, as where forest breaks with field, sea with land; a timberline path where the border collie roams; said path where things break together, sand wave, snow meadow, allegorizes the word thing divide for an utterance wherein the rhythm of their symphysis is figured. (Dokei de mega ti einai kai kalepon lêphtênai o topos) ( = Place is regarded as something of great importance but difficult to grasp [Aristotle, Physics IV, 212a 7; tr. note])1
1. Trees and Trajectories
As a child I was fascinated by the shape of trees, especially the windswept ones that lined the marshes and beaches where I roamed. We called the contorted oaks Scrub Oaks, and then there were the hunchbacked cedars and the two-faced red bay trees; all of them were shaped by acts of resistance to the constancy of the Southeast Tradewinds. Their trunks and limbs—bodies—overtly expressed the interstice of their internal and external resistance and the potential energy bound within. The intercourse between gravity-laden trajectory and wind gave way to trees that were short and twisted…gnarled, and the arched sweep of their limbs and leaves pointed westward, acquiescently bowing to the relentlessness of the prevailing winds. The story of their resistance was etched upon their barked surface as evidence made manifest through the reciprocity between interior and exterior forces. Their form was their story.
The trees were a frontline of resistance that gave notice to the two topographical sides of my own story. And when walking upon their exposed roots and climbing within their limbs, I felt a tactile entanglement, a kind of unified betweenness that I shared with the contoured roughness of their forms: an entwinement that embodied the wry indifference of the phenomenal world. This embodiment continues to foster the notion that perceivable forms are a captured interstice of the duality of resistance: the mnemonic trees; a body’s countenance, made visible through the interface between DNA and gravity. And gravity – the silent harbinger of specular awareness, indifferent to both matter and emotion, all-the-while surreptitiously promulgating the latent poetry of decay. And to dismiss gravity’s presence, as a plummeting Icarus found, is classically naïve.
2. Changeability
Any form of resistance is disrupted when one oppositional part succumbs to another. Pushed beyond the part's intrinsic ability to perform, the stasis of potential energy acquiesces, and the shape of balance sways towards anarchic resettlements, and as such forms alter – they change. Deguy’s ‘timberline’, too, despite the stoicism of its figurants, eventually shifts in one direction or the other, and the temporal displacement confounds one’s memory of place to the point of disorientation: symphystic topographies become fractured and are then uncannily reset by Zeno as an attempt to keep pace with a fleeting present, only for that present to be usurped by the infinite compression of time.2
3. Superficies
Superficies are observable modalities of resistance, the causal appearance or projection of counteractive forces that are oft based on spurious relations to substance. Joseph Brodsky notes that “surfaces—which is what the eye registers first—are often more telling than their contents, which are provisional by definition, except, of course in the afterlife”3
4. Embodiments
Timberline [ 1 ], Pablo Picasso’s Guernica [ 2 ], the Berlin Wall’s absence [ 3 ], Protest [ 4 ], Botticelli's Annunciation [ 5 ], Käthe Kollwitz’s engravings [ 6 ], the frenetic bell founder in Andrei Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev (the resistance of doubt) [ 7 ], a bed [ 8 ], the fragile tautness of the Steilneset Memorial by Louise Bourgeois and Peter Zumthor [ 9 ], the absurdist subversions of DADA [ 10 ], Richard Serra’s torqued steel [ 11 ], Ai Weiwei’s Seeds [ 12 ], Walking.