Form of Resistance
Aldo Aymonino
Aldo Aymonino was Born in Rome in1953 and graduated in Rome in1980. Since 2000 prof Aymonino has been full-professor at the Venice School of Architecture (IUAV); since 1986 has been teaching Architectural Design in Pescara and Venice universities; since 1991 has been visiting Professor at the University of Toronto and Cornell University, USA; worked in Germany within the IBA project; has given lectures on his work and research in Italian and foreign universities (Milan, Rome, Naples, Vienna, Ljubljana, Toronto, Lyon, Zurich, Cottbus, Koblenz, Delft, Patras, Lisbon, Hannover, Sao Paulo, Santiago Chile, Shenzhen, Hong Kong etc.); won the first prize in the exhibition "Italian Architects of the New Generation" in 1989; invited to exhibit his work at the Venice Biennale in the Italian Pavillon in 1991, 2002 and with IUAV in 2006, and in the Milan Triennale in 1995 and at London’s R.I.B.A. in 1996. He wrote a book on Louis Kahn in 1991 and on Un-volumetric Architecture in 2006. Since 1992 he has been Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo-Ontario, the University of Toronto school of architecture, the School of Architecture at Cornell, Rome Programme, the Illinois Institute of Technology, the Universidade Moderna in Lisbon and TU Delft. From 2018 to 2021 he was the Director of “Architecture and Arts” Department of the IUAV University of Venice and is currently holds the UNESCO Chair for Heritage and Urban Regeneration. He currently lives and practices in Rome, Italy.
Renato Bocchi
Renato Bocchi Born in Trento, 1949. Professor of Architectural and Urban Design and Architectural Theories at the IUAV University of Venice, Dept of Architecture and Arts, until 2019, he is currently a member of the doctorate Architecture. Theories and Project at Sapienza University of Rome and of the doctorate Architecture, City and Design at IUAV, Venice. Between 2013 and 2016 he was national coordinator of the Re-cycle Italy research. Among his recent publications: Progettare lo spazio e il movimento (Gangemi, Rome 2010), La materia del vuoto (Universalia, Pordenone 2015), Spazio, arte, architettura (Carocci, Rome 2022).
José Calvo-López
José Calvo-López teaches Architectural History and other subjects in Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, where he has been Dean of the School of Architecture and Director of the Masters’ degree in Architectural Heritage and the Doctoral Program in Architecture. He is working presently on research projects about the geometry of ashlar construction in the Roman and Early Mediaeval periods. He has published research papers on stereotomy and spatial representation on such peer-reviewed journals as Archivo Español de Arte, Revista EGA, Nexus Network Journal, Construction History, Informes de la Construcción or International Journal of Architectural Heritage. He has been recently a Visiting Professor at Università IUAV. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Construction History and Nexus Network Journal and the Steering Committee of the Nexus Conferences. He is the author of Steretomy. Stone Construction in Europe 1200-1900, published by Springer Nature.
Giorgia Cesaro
Giorgia Cesaro. Architect graduated at the Mendrisio Academy of Architecture – University of Italian Switzerland – in 2013. She worked in Portugal at Aires Mateus Arquitectos, and as a freelance in Italy, China, and Peru. Since 2015 she is Teaching Assistant at Francesco Cacciatore’s “Design and Theory of Architectural Composition” courses at the University Iuav of Venice, and since 2018 Guest Lecturer at Agostino De Rosa’s “Theory and History of Representational Methods” courses at the Venice International University. Since 2020 she is a PhD architect, qualification achieved at the Iuav Doctoral School with a thesis entitled Machine à Émouvoir. Kazuo Shinohara and the Devices of the Unexpected.
Elizabeth Cronin
Elizabeth Cronin is a PhD candidate and instructor at the University of Florida (UF) School of Architecture. Her research focuses on making, textiles, and feminist practices in architectural design and pedagogy. She received a Bachelor of Design, a Master of Architecture, and a Master of Science in Architectural Studies in Pedagogy from UF and was the founding executive editor of their Graduate School of Architecture publication: “Vorkurs” (University of Florida, 2017–present). Elizabeth has also taught at the University of Miami, worked on several design/build projects, and practiced architecture in Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville. She is a winner of the Diana Bitz Book Award and the ARCC King Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural and Environmental Research.
Agostino De Rosa
Agostino De Rosa (Bari, Italy 1963) is an Architect and Full Professor at University Iuav of Venezia (Italy) and at Venice International University. He co-ordinates the PhD program on Surveying and Representing Architecture and the Environment at the IUAV postgraduate school. He has written books and essays on the theme of representation, the history of images and land art. His books include, among the many published: Cecità del vedere. Per una storia anti-proiettiva delle immagini (forthcoming); Jean François Nicéron. Prospettiva, catottrica e magia artificiale. Rome: Aracne Editrice 2013; James Turrell. Geometrie di luce. Roden Crater project, Milan: Electa 2007). He has curated exhibitions in Italy and all around the world with his team, Imago rerum based at Iuav University.
Charlie Hailey
Charlie Hailey is an architect, writer, and professor. A Guggenheim Fellow and Fulbright Scholar, he is the author of six books, including The Porch: Meditations on the Edge of Nature, Camps: A Guide to 21st Century Space, and Slab City: Dispatches from the Last Free Place. Hailey teaches design/build, studio, and theory at the University of Florida, where he was recently named Teacher/Scholar of the Year.
Tullia Iori
Tullia Iori is an engineering historian and full professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where she is the coordinator of the PhD program in Civil Engineering. For many years, she has been involved in the research SIXXI - History of Structural Engineering in Italy (ERC Advanced Grant). She has published books and essays on the history of reinforced concrete in Italy, on Pier Luigi Nervi and Sergio Musmeci (also co-curating exhibitions at the MAXXI Museum in Rome), on contemporary engineering in the new millennium, and, more generally, on the history of engineering in Italy with the SIXXI volume series. She has a passion for dissemination: she collaborates with Wikiradio, "La Grande Storia," Rai5 and RaiCultura and in the making of documentaries (BBC, Discovery Science).
Claudio Patanè
Claudio Patanè is an architect, has collaborated as a teacher and practised research in the field of Drawing and Surveying Architecture at the Universities of Padova, Reggio Calabria, Siracusa and Venice. He worked as a professional architect in Lisbon from 2009 to 2012. He was an instructor of "urban panoramic drawing" for the Urban Sketchers.Org Symposiums and Workshops in Lisbon and the Dominican Republic. Since 2017 he has been a teacher of Drawing Tec. and Prog. at ABADIR Academy of Design and Visual Arts in Catania. He is a founding member of the informal group of semi()atelier architects. He worked on a European research project involving the Department of Architecture and Territory (dArTe) of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, the Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura of the University of Valladolid and the company NAOS Consulting s.r.l. of Salerno. He is currently collaborating as a bursary-holder at the Special Teaching Structure of Syracuse in Architecture and Cultural Heritage of the University of Catania for a research project on the city of Savoca (ME). He is a teacher PLUS for DOMĔSTIKA.
Fabio Quici
Fabio Quici is a Ph.D. architect and associate professor in the Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture in the Sapienza Università di Roma where he teaches Visual Culture and Representation of Architecture and Visual Communication Design. He has previously taught Aesthetics and Heuristics, Architectural Drawing, Architectural Surveying, Theory and Representation of Visual and Multimedia Communication. He was guest lecturer at universities in Oxford (UK), Guatemala City, Bogotà, Cartagena (ES). He is the author of books and essays on the use of images and on the history of architectural representation. His researches and essays are also about the interpretation of the informal cities and the visual aspects of architectural and urban design. He is author of Il disegno cifrato: ermeneusi storica del disegno di architettura (Roma: Officina edizioni, 1996); Tracciati di invenzione: euristica e disegno di architettura (Torino: Utet, 2004), Città: proiezioni e paradossi (Roma: Form.act, 2007) and he was member of the leading promoters of the cycle of international study seminars Idee per la rappresentazione from which a series of volumes originated (Idee per la rappresentazione, 2007; Ibridazioni, 2008; Artefatti, 2009; Trascrizioni, 2011; Atopie, 2012; Impronte, 2013; Visualità, 2014, all published by Form.act).
Enrique Rabasa-Díaz
Enrique Rabasa-Díaz is an architect and a Full Professor in the School of Architecture of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He belongs to the Architectural Graphic Design Department, and teaches in the BA courses and in the Master of Preservation of the UPM. He has been Director of the doctorate program on Architectural Heritage and the Architecture Area of the International Doctoral School of the UPM. He develops his research in History of Descriptive Geometry and Construction, especially Stereotomy and stonecutting. He manages a stonecutting workshop in the School. He has published research papers on stereotomy and spatial representation on such peer-reviewed journals as Revista EGA, Nexus Network Journal, Construction History, Informes de la Construcción and a number of books on stonecutting and stereotomy, in particular Forma y construcción en piedra and a critical edition of the manuscript of Joseph Gelabert. He is a member of the Scientific Committees of Revista EGA
and the International Congresses on Construction History.
Vida Rucli
Vida Rucli graduated in 2020 from the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture. Since 2017, she is member of Robida, a collective that works at the intersection of written and spoken word and spatial practices developed in the village of Topolò (Italy). Currently her research focuses on how feminist theories and practices can approach abandoned landscapes
Petra Čeferin
Petra Čeferin is an architect practicing architectural theory and philosophy of architecture. She is also Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, where she teaches architectural theory and history. Her publications include Constructing a Legend: The International Exhibitions of Finnish Architecture 1957-1967 (SKS Publishing, 2003), Transforming Reality with Architecture: Finnish Case (Fondazione Bruno Zevi, 2008), Architectural Epicentres: Inventing Architecture, Intervening in Reality (AML, 2008/co-editor with C. Požar), Project Architecture: Creative Practice in the Time of Global Capitalism (AML, 2010/co-editor with J. Bickert and C. Požar), and The Resistant Object of Architecture. A Lacanian perspective (Routledge, 2021). She is also the co-founder and editor of the book series Theoretical Practice of Architecture.