José Calvo-López, Enrique Rabasa-Díaz / Warped Versus Regular Surfaces

Warped Ver­sus Reg­u­lar Surfaces

A Form of Resistance to Canonical Shapes, from Reims Cathedral to Le Corbusier

José Calvo-López, Enrique Rabasa-Díaz

When Le Cor­busier vis­it­ed Sagra­da Famil­ia in Barcelona, he was not impressed with the nat­u­ral­is­tic design of the tow­ers or, of course, with the Goth­ic Revival plan. What attract­ed most­ly his atten­tion was the warped sur­face in the roof of a small build­ing, scarce­ly larg­er than a shed, hous­ing a pro­vi­sion­al school. 

Roof, Assembly Hall, Chandigarh. Le Corbusier, 1951. Photograph: Eduardo Guiot. CC BY 2.0.

Roof, Assembly Hall, Chandigarh. Le Corbusier, 1951. Photograph: Eduardo Guiot. CC BY 2.0.

Such inter­est is not sur­pris­ing: in con­trast with his dis­dain for the archi­tec­tur­al instruc­tion of the École de Beaux-Arts, Le Cor­busier had a high regard of the ped­a­gog­i­cal mod­el of the École Poly­tech­nique, a Parisian school endeav­our­ing to pro­vide basic sci­en­tif­ic instruc­tion to engi­neers of all dis­ci­plines. Lat­er on, the stu­dents com­ing out of this school com­plet­ed their stud­ies in a num­ber of écoles d'aplication, that is, schools that allowed them to apply the sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge learnt at the École Poly­tech­nique to prac­ti­cal, tech­ni­cal issues. The founder of the École Poly­tech­nique, Gas­pard Mon­ge, was also the father of Descrip­tive Geom­e­try.[1] It comes as no sur­prise, then, that the con­cepts, fig­ures and meth­ods of this sci­ence appear fre­quent­ly in Le Corbusier’s oeu­vre, in par­tic­u­lar in the lat­er peri­ods, when he was try­ing to escape the nar­row bounds of the min­i­mal­ist vocab­u­lary of the ratio­nal­ism of the Twen­ties: hyper­bol­ic parab­o­loids in the Philips pavil­ion in Brus­sels, one-sheet­ed hyper­boloid in the Assem­bly Hall in Chandi­garh [ 1 ], a dou­ble cur­va­ture sur­face in the roof of Ron­champ, or shad­ow the­o­ry in the Tow­er of Shad­ows, also in Chandigarh.

This issue is not as sim­ple as it may seem at first sight. We usu­al­ly take for grant­ed that descrip­tive geom­e­try deals with sur­faces in a neu­tral, sci­en­tif­ic, asep­tic way. How­ev­er, the con­struc­tion of the notion of sur­face as pre­sent­ed by descrip­tive geom­e­try has under­gone a long his­tor­i­cal process, walk­ing on the line between arti­sanal prac­tices and learned sci­ence. First, Euclid defines the con­cept of sur­face in his Geom­e­try[2] as a face of a sol­id and uses it to describe the notions of sol­id angle and diam­e­ter of a sphere, but this is all. Also, there is noth­ing in clas­si­cal geom­e­try about orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion and only some the­o­rems about cen­tral or con­ic pro­jec­tion in Euclid’s Optics. This fact is essen­tial; until the advent of Com­put­er Sci­ence, the most effi­cient, visu­al­ly intu­itive, and his­tor­i­cal­ly rel­e­vant way to con­trol the prop­er­ties of ruled, devel­opable, warped, or dou­ble cur­va­ture sur­faces was orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion, as we will see.

Admit­ted­ly, Archimedes and oth­er Clas­si­cal geome­ters dealt with the area and the vol­ume enclosed by spe­cif­ic sur­faces, such as the sphere, the cone, and the cylin­der. In the long run, these abstract prob­lems meta­mor­phosed in a typ­i­cal­ly Medieval sci­ence, prac­ti­cal geom­e­try, which should not be con­fused with the abstract geom­e­try of Euclid or the ruler-and-com­pass geom­e­try of medieval arti­sans, in par­tic­u­lar stone­cut­ters. This prac­ti­cal geom­e­try, stud­ied by cler­ics such as Hugh of Saint Vic­tor and Gundissal­i­nus,[3] had three branch­es. Planime­try dealt with the mea­sure of pla­nar areas; Cos­mime­try taught how to mea­sure vol­umes and sur­face areas of solids; and final­ly, Altime­try solved the prob­lem of the com­pu­ta­tion of the height of inac­ces­si­ble objects.[4] Of course, Cos­mime­try brought back Archimedean prob­lems and sur­faces, although it dealt again with sim­ple bod­ies: the sphere, the cone, or the cylin­der. How­ev­er, it is worth­while to men­tion that the meth­ods of Altime­try, deal­ing with sim­i­lar tri­an­gles, have some points of con­tact with those of Late Medieval and Renais­sance masons, who also used tri­an­gu­la­tion.[5]

That brings back the issue of orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion. Before deal­ing in depth with this sub­ject, we must define the term. Ety­mo­log­i­cal­ly, to project”, from the Latin proiec­tāre” means to cast for­ward”; there is no pro­jec­tion when a draw­ing depicts objects placed on the same plane. Although this may be strik­ing, the exam­ples of Antique archi­tec­tur­al or tech­ni­cal draw­ings in orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion, in this restrict­ed sense, are vir­tu­al­ly non-exis­tent. Such a remark­able piece as the For­ma Urbis Romae, a huge mar­ble plan of Impe­r­i­al Rome, pre­served as a large series of frag­ments, depicts the town as a foun­da­tion plan, leav­ing aside the hills and val­leys of the city.[6] As far as we know, the arti­fact that comes clos­er to an orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion in all Antiq­ui­ty is a papyrus in the Petrie col­lec­tion, depict­ing a small Egypt­ian shrine in the shape of a pyra­mid frus­tum in front and side views. Although the slope of the edges of the frus­tum is slight­ly dif­fer­ent, both views attain to the same height.[7] All this sug­gests the idea of an orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion, although the con­di­tion of the papyrus, reduced to a series of elon­gat­ed frag­ments, and its unique­ness, does not allow to reach firm conclusions.

Richard of Saint Victor, “Commentary to Ezekiel”, c. 1175.

Richard of Saint Victor, “Commentary to Ezekiel”, c. 1175.

Our present con­cep­tion of orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion seems to have tak­en shape in the 12th and 13th cen­turies, between the cler­i­cal and the arti­sanal media. Some minia­tures in the Com­men­tary to Eze­quiel” by Richard of Saint Vic­tor depict arcades drawn frontal­ly, with no fore­short­en­ing [ 2 ], clear­ly pass­ing in front of bat­tle­ments and walls, also depict­ed frontal­ly.[8] It is worth­while to remark that, accord­ing to John of Toulouse, Richard was a stu­dent of Hugh of Saint Vic­tor, although this fact is con­test­ed by some schol­ars. In any case, it is gen­er­al­ly accept­ed that Hugh had lived in the Parisian abbey of Saint Vic­tor from 1115 to his death in 1141, while Richard was the pri­or of the same abbey from 1162 until his death in 1173, so both Richard and his illu­mi­na­tors were prob­a­bly aware of the geo­met­ri­cal work of Hugh. 

Villard de Honnecourt, “Sketchbook”, c. 1230. Longitudinal section and side elevation of Reims cathedral.

Villard de Honnecourt, “Sketchbook”, c. 1230. Longitudinal section and side elevation of Reims cathedral.

The minia­tures in the Com­men­tary on Ezekiel” do not need to rep­re­sent exact­ly arcades and walls; in con­trast, archi­tec­tur­al plans and ele­va­tions, even the sim­plest ones, require the pre­cise place­ment of pil­lars, ribs, tri­fo­ria, socles and win­dows. Sev­er­al plans in the Vil­lard de Hon­necourt sketch­book, such as the one for the cathe­dral of Meaux and the church designed with Pierre de Cor­bie inter se dis­putan­do”, pro­vide clear exam­ples of hor­i­zon­tal pro­jec­tion, depict­ing both the pil­lars and the plan lay­out of the vault ribs. At the same time, the sketch­book includes an inter­nal lon­gi­tu­di­nal sec­tion and an exter­nal side ele­va­tion of the nave of Reims cathe­dral [ 3 ]. Both draw­ings depict objects in clear­ly dis­tinct planes, thus fur­nish­ing a neat exam­ple of ver­ti­cal pro­jec­tion. The ele­va­tion includes both the aisle exter­nal walls and the cleresto­ry, which are sep­a­rat­ed by the width of the aisles. In the same way, the sec­tion shows the socle and the aisle win­dows, as well as the nave pil­lars, the tri­fo­ri­um and the cleresto­ry.[9]

Reims cathedral, nave, c. 1220. Quadripartite vault. Photograph: José Calvo.

Reims cathedral, nave, c. 1220. Quadripartite vault. Photograph: José Calvo.

From this moment on, orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion took the place of the rep­re­sen­ta­tion tool of choice in archi­tec­tur­al draw­ing. As in the Reims draw­ings, both orthog­o­nal ele­va­tions and plans are used to con­trol the com­plex­i­ties of Goth­ic spa­tial geom­e­try, as the remark­able col­lec­tions of Goth­ic draw­ings in Stras­bourg, Vien­na, Siena, and Segovia show.[10] It is worth­while to remark that in this large cor­pus of draw­ings, ortho­graph­ic pro­jec­tion was used in strict­ly archi­tec­tur­al draw­ings both for plans and ele­va­tions, as in the Vil­lard sketch­book. How­ev­er, when prepar­ing con­struc­tion dia­grams, such as the Ger­man Grun­drisse or the Span­ish ones includ­ed in the man­u­scripts of Hernán Ruiz, Rodri­go Gil de Hon­tañón or Alon­so de Van­delvi­ra,[11] Goth­ic masons used ortho­graph­ic pro­jec­tions only for the plans. In con­trast, in ele­va­tions they used a dis­ar­tic­u­lat­ed scheme that showed all ribs, includ­ing diag­o­nals and tiercerons, in true shape. If they had shown these ribs in true orthog­o­nal pro­jec­tion, the result would have been ellip­ti­cal arch­es, since these ribs are oblique to the pro­jec­tion plane. At this moment, nobody in Europe knew how to draw an ellip­ti­cal arch rep­re­sent­ing the pro­jec­tion of an oblique cir­cu­lar arc. Fur­ther, such a rep­re­sen­ta­tion would have been use­less for masons, who were inter­est­ed in the true shape and cur­va­ture of the ribs. 

19th cen­tu­ry ele­va­tions and 21st cen­tu­ry scans of rib vaults show that ribs of qua­tri­par­tite vaults do not over­lap with trans­verse arch­es when seen in ver­ti­cal pro­jec­tion. This show­cas­es a cru­cial change in the geo­met­ri­cal vocab­u­lary in medieval archi­tec­ture. Gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, Romanesque archi­tec­ture uses sim­ple sur­faces, or, at most, com­bi­na­tions of them: half cylin­ders for bar­rel vaults, por­tions of cylin­ders for point­ed bar­rel vaults, half or quar­ter spheres for domes and semi­domes, inter­sec­tions of cylin­ders for groin vaults, lunette vaults and win­dows in round walls. Intra­dos joints between cours­es are, gen­er­al­ly speak­ing, par­al­lel, except in domes; this lay­out gen­er­ates ruled surfaces. 

Any­how, in quadri­par­tite Goth­ic vaults it is quite dif­fi­cult, or indeed impos­si­ble, to lay out the intra­dos joints as par­al­lel or con­ver­gent lines [ 4 ], since diag­o­nal and trans­verse ribs do not over­lap in ele­va­tion. This led to the use of warped sur­faces in the sev­er­ies of quadri­par­tite vaults, a first form of resis­tance against the sim­ple, canon­i­cal sur­faces in Romanesque archi­tec­ture. Fur­ther, Goth­ic masons did not attempt to depict the intra­dos joints of the sev­er­ies; they sim­ply laid them out using cerces or light struts con­nect­ing two ribs.[12] This explains why, while mas­ter­ing the hor­i­zon­tal lay­out of very com­plex sets of ribs in Late Goth­ic, masons did not use orthog­o­nal ele­va­tions in con­struc­tion draw­ings, by con­trast with archi­tec­tur­al draw­ings of the period.

Ginés Martínez de Aranda, “Cerramientos y trazas de montea”, c. 1600. Diagram showing warped surfaces.

Ginés Martínez de Aranda, “Cerramientos y trazas de montea”, c. 1600. Diagram showing warped surfaces.

How­ev­er, Renais­sance con­struc­tion in ash­lar required pre­cise ele­va­tions, coor­di­nat­ed with hor­i­zon­tal pro­jec­tions, in par­tic­u­lar to con­trol the lay­out of warped sur­faces. Nine­teen-cen­tu­ry geo­me­tri­cians will lat­er point out that gen­er­a­trix­es that are nei­ther par­al­lel nor con­ver­gent lead to warped, non-devel­opable sur­faces. Much ear­li­er, this notion was iden­ti­fied by Renais­sance stone­cut­ters on a pure­ly empir­i­cal basis. Span­ish texts, such as Alon­so de Van­delvi­ra or Ginés Martínez de Aran­da, allude to these sur­faces as engauchi­das”, from the French gauche”, left-hand­ed.[13] Of course, the term car­ries a strong con­no­ta­tion of slop­pi­ness and irregularity. 

Martínez de Aran­da showed in a remark­able didac­ti­cal draw­ing the notion of gauche or warped sur­face [ 5 ].[14] First, we must remem­ber that while two straight lines in a plane may be either par­al­lel or con­ver­gent, in a spa­tial geom­e­try there is a third pos­si­bil­i­ty: both lines may be skew lines, that is, lines that are not par­al­lel but do not inter­sect. In space, two par­al­lel or con­ver­gent lines deter­mine a plane; that is, there is one and only one plane that pass­es through both lines. In con­trast, skew lines do not deter­mine planes; in fact, no plane can pass simul­ta­ne­ous­ly through two skew lines. Thus, skew lines may not be rep­re­sent­ed in a sin­gle pro­jec­tion. In order to show the skew con­di­tion of a pair of lines, we must pro­vide at least two dif­fer­ent pro­jec­tions, as Martínez de Aran­da does. The result resem­bles a pair of heli­copter blades. Oth­er stone­cut­ting writ­ers, such as Philib­ert de l’Orme, also present these appar­ent­ly inter­sect­ing lines, although they are not as explic­it as Martínez de Aran­da about the con­cept.[15] These sur­faces gen­er­at­ed by skew lines are gauche sur­faces; accord­ing to Descrip­tive Geom­e­try, no tem­plate, either rigid or flex­i­ble, can be applied exact­ly over a gauche or warped surface. 

Jean-Baptiste de la Rue, Traité de la coupe des pierres, 1728. Biais passé.

Jean-Baptiste de la Rue, Traité de la coupe des pierres, 1728. Biais passé.

All this does not mean that Martínez de Aran­da was think­ing in the same men­tal frame that 19th cen­tu­ry geome­ters. Quite to the con­trary, he defined masons, includ­ing him­self implic­it­ly, in the intro­duc­tion of this man­u­script as men who stick to phys­i­cal mat­ter”, and his under­stand­ing of these issues seems to be pure­ly empir­i­cal.[16] In par­tic­u­lar, he con­structs and applies tem­plates to warped sur­faces, in con­trast with oth­er writ­ers, in par­tic­u­lar Alon­so de Van­delvi­ra.[17] Although this author con­structs tem­plates for rere-arch­es, a par­tic­u­lar con­struc­tive ele­ment rest­ing on a lin­tel and an arch, he states clear­ly that these should be used only as an aux­il­iary device for the com­pu­ta­tion of angles between the edges of the vous­soirs and that the vous­soirs for rere-arch­es should be dressed using the tire­some and time-con­sum­ing squar­ing method. By con­trast, Martínez de Aranda’s tem­plates are meant to be applied direct­ly on warped sur­faces. In oth­er words, Martínez de Aran­da put togeth­er anoth­er form of resis­tance against the canon­i­cal sta­tus of non-warped surfaces.

Most stone­cut­ting writ­ers of the 17th and ear­ly 18th cen­turies, such as Math­urin Jousse, François Derand and Jean-Bap­tiste de la Rue marched in the oppo­site direc­tion. Admit­ted­ly, they dealt with pieces involv­ing warped sur­faces, such as the corne de vache and the biais passé, two kinds of skew arch­es with one or both oblique springers [ 6 ]. How­ev­er, they did not use tem­plates on these sur­faces; rather, they resort­ed to the time-and-mate­r­i­al-con­sum­ing squar­ing method.[18] In con­trast, tak­ing their cue from De l’Orme, they used approx­i­mate cylin­dri­cal and con­i­cal devel­op­ments for non-warped sur­faces, which is quite rea­son­able con­sid­er­ing that the gen­er­a­trix­es of a cylin­der are par­al­lel, while those in a cone are con­ver­gent.[19]

All this led Amedée-François Frézi­er to dif­fer­en­ti­ate between the aris­toc­ra­cy of non-warped sur­faces, which he labelled as reg­u­lar” and the ple­beian gauche sur­faces.[20] As in any class strat­i­fi­ca­tion, there was also a mid­dle class, those sur­faces he called réguliere­ment irrégulieres. At the same time, the class seg­re­ga­tion launched by Frézi­er went much fur­ther than the stance of Derand.[21] This author eschewed tem­plates for warped sur­faces; how­ev­er, when the squar­ing method involves planes orthog­o­nal to the face of an arch, as in the biais passé and the corne de vache, the loss of mate­r­i­al and effort brought about by the squar­ing method is lim­it­ed, and in this case, he placed no objec­tion against warped sur­faces dressed by the squar­ing method. 

Amedée-François Frézier, La théorie et la pratique de la coupe des pierres et des bois … 1737-1739. Biais passé with a cylindrical intrados and elliptical intrados joints.

Amedée-François Frézier, La théorie et la pratique de la coupe des pierres et des bois … 1737-1739. Biais passé with a cylindrical intrados and elliptical intrados joints.

Thus, while Derand’s mis­trust of warped sur­faces stemmed from prac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions, Frézier’s rejec­tion was based on con­cep­tu­al rea­sons. The biais passé had been built by cen­turies and Frézi­er, as a result of his Ency­clopaedic approach, explained the tra­di­tion­al solu­tion to the piece. How­ev­er, he tried to put for­ward a réguliere ver­sion of the piece, while keep­ing the dress­ing advan­tages of the orthog­o­nal bed joints [ 7 ]. This led him to design an improved vari­ant of the biais passé with a cylin­dri­cal intra­dos cut by planes orthog­o­nal to the faces of the arch, but oblique to the springers.[22] The intra­dos joints of the piece are oblique sec­tions of an ellip­ti­cal cylin­der, result­ing in ellip­ti­cal curves. Para­dox­i­cal­ly, all this leads to a much more com­plex trac­ing and dress­ing process. As far as we know, no built exam­ple of Frézier’s enhanced biais passé has been found.

Amedée-François Frézier, La théorie et la pratique de la coupe des pierres et des bois … 1737-1739. Using the straightedge while dressing stones.

Amedée-François Frézier, La théorie et la pratique de la coupe des pierres et des bois … 1737-1739. Using the straightedge while dressing stones.

It is worth­while to remark that the con­cepts of ruled” or devel­opable” sur­faces do not play an impor­tant role in Frézier’s trea­tise, oth­er than his insis­tence on the use of the straight­edge [ 8 ] in the dress­ing process.[23] Of course, he seems to be think­ing of the sphere, the most per­fect sur­face for Renais­sance the­o­rists, as a reg­u­lar” sur­face and in fact he asso­ciates it usu­al­ly with the cone and the cylin­der. This state of events was to change in 1772, when Leon­hard Euler pub­lished "De Solidis Quo­rum Super­fi­ciem in Planum Expli­care Licet”, that is, About solids whose sur­faces may be devel­oped into a plane”, putting for­ward the equa­tions that such sur­faces must ful­fil in order to be clas­si­fied as devel­opable.[24] This issue has a host of appli­ca­tions, as time will show, but it seems that Euler was main­ly inter­est­ed in cartography.

Charles Leroy, Traité de Stéréotomie, 1844. Ellipsoidal vault solved using lines of curvature.

Charles Leroy, Traité de Stéréotomie, 1844. Ellipsoidal vault solved using lines of curvature.

Any­how, Gas­pard Mon­ge, the founder of Descrip­tive Geom­e­try, was to take back the sub­ject to the field of stone­cut­ting. He was Pro­fes­sor of the The­o­ry of Stone­cut­ting in the Mil­i­tary Engi­neer­ing School at Mézierès. Remark­ably, his exten­sive sci­en­tif­ic pro­duc­tion about a host of dif­fer­ent sub­jects includes lit­tle more than a sin­gle paper on stereoto­my, the sci­ence of the divi­sion of solids, which includes stone­cut­ting as a prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion.[25] Try­ing to illus­trate a new con­cept, lines of cur­va­ture, Mon­ge used as an exam­ple a rather far-fetched prob­lem in stone con­struc­tion, that of an ellip­soidal vault with three dif­fer­ent axes or sca­lene ellip­soid. He imposed two con­straints to the prob­lem: bed joints should be gen­er­at­ed by orthog­o­nals, or more strict­ly speak­ing, nor­mals to the intra­dos sur­face. Also, these joints should be devel­opable sur­faces. Both con­straints had some prac­ti­cal sense. The gen­er­a­tion of bed joints by nor­mals to the intra­dos sur­face avoids acute angles between the vous­soir faces, which may suf­fer dents dur­ing the trans­porta­tion, hoist­ing and place­ment process­es. At the same time, the devel­opable nature of these sur­faces allowed the appli­ca­tion of flex­i­ble tem­plates to the bed joints. How­ev­er, oval vaults had been built for cen­turies with­out the use of such sophis­ti­cat­ed con­trol meth­ods; to con­sid­er them as manda­to­ry seems rather exces­sive from a prac­ti­cal stand­point. In order to gen­er­ate a devel­opable sur­face, nor­mals to the intra­dos sur­face must fol­low lines of cur­va­ture. In con­trast with tra­di­tion­al oval vaults, lines of cur­va­ture drawn in the sur­face of a sca­lene ellip­soid do not lay on hor­i­zon­tal planes, but rather go up and down [ 9 ]. Mon­ge was so proud of his find­ings that he pro­posed to build the Assem­bly Hall of the French Repub­lic, under dis­cus­sion at this moment, in the shape of a sca­lene ellip­soid, with ribs fol­low­ing lines of cur­va­ture, and even that the speak­er should be placed under a node of lines of cur­va­ture called the umbil­i­cal point.[26]

Jean-Nicolas Hachette, Traité de Géometrie Descriptive, 1822. Arrière-voussure de Marseille.

Jean-Nicolas Hachette, Traité de Géometrie Descriptive, 1822. Arrière-voussure de Marseille.

This sug­gests that Mon­ge was enforc­ing here the same con­cept of ortho­doxy than Frézi­er, exclud­ing all forms of resis­tance to reg­u­lar” sur­faces, not only for prac­ti­cal rea­sons, but rather on con­cep­tu­al grounds. Any­how, the read­er may ask whether an ellip­soid with three dif­fer­ent axes, a non-devel­opable sur­face, may qual­i­fy as reg­u­lar” sur­face. It seems that the accep­tance of the sca­lene ellip­soid in the canon­i­cal realm of accept­ed sur­faces stems from ana­lyt­i­cal, not strict­ly geo­met­ri­cal, rea­sons. The ellip­soid, whether the sca­lene vari­ant or the well-known ellip­soid of rev­o­lu­tion, with two axes of the same length, is a cuadric or sec­ond-degree sur­face, just as the sphere, the cylin­der and the cone. Such sim­ple math­e­mat­i­cal rep­re­sen­ta­tion must have been quite pleas­ing to the eyes of the sci­en­tists of the Enlight­en­ment and the French Revolution. 

Try­ing to push fur­ther the bound­aries of this hap­pi­ly con­quered realm”, in Gino Loria’s words, one of Monge’s stu­dents, Jean-Nico­las Hachette, went fur­ther.[27] As Mon­ge with the lines of cur­va­ture, he had proved a the­o­rem that he need­ed to illus­trate. Hachette’s the­o­rem is high­ly abstract: it states that if two ruled sur­faces have a com­mon gen­er­a­trix and they share the same tan­gent plane in three points, then they share the tan­gent plane all along the com­mon gen­er­a­trix.[28] Mon­ge had insist­ed in the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tions of Descrip­tive Geom­e­try in the intro­duc­tion to his text, so Hachette need­ed a prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of his the­o­rem. He found it in the Arrière-vous­sure de Mar­seille, a clas­si­cal stone­cut­ting piece designed to solve a door or win­dow open­ing with a wood­en frame crowned by a semi­cir­cle [ 10 ]. Using a seg­men­tal arch for the inner face of this piece pre­vents the win­dow pane to col­lide with the sur­face of the vault cov­er­ing the open­ing.[29] How­ev­er, all three sur­faces in the intra­dos of this piece are warped. Once again, as Mon­ge with the lines of cur­va­ture and the sca­lene ellip­soid, Arrière-vous­sures de Mar­seille had been built for two cen­turies with­out the need of Hachette’s sophis­ti­cat­ed pro­ce­dure, and in fact, it is impos­si­ble to tell tra­di­tion­al Arrière-vous­sures built using the tra­di­tion­al solu­tion from the ones dressed by means of Hachette’s sophis­ti­cat­ed tech­nique.[30] Thus, we may sur­mise that Hachette’s focus did not lie on the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of the piece, but rather in his use as an illus­tra­tion of his theorem. 

Antoni Gaudí, Palacio Episcopal de Astorga, rere-arch over the main door, 1899-1893. Photograph: José Calvo.

Antoni Gaudí, Palacio Episcopal de Astorga, rere-arch over the main door, 1899-1893. Photograph: José Calvo.

From this moment on, Descrip­tive Geom­e­try text­books, taught as a foun­da­tion sub­ject in the host of Poly­tech­nic Schools that spread through Con­ti­nen­tal Europe, includ­ed not only sec­ond-degree warped sur­faces as hyper­boloids and parab­o­loids, but also oth­er warped sur­faces as the Arrière-vous­sure de Mar­seille, the corne de vache and the biais passé, that could not present the same ana­lyt­ic cre­den­tials, try­ing again to push for­ward the fron­tiers of this new science.

The focus of these issues went back to Spain as a result of a strange turn of events. While most archi­tec­tur­al schools in Con­ti­nen­tal Europe adopt­ed the ped­a­gog­i­cal mod­el of the Paris École de Beaux-Arts, at the start of the 19th cen­tu­ry, the archi­tec­tur­al instruc­tion of the Acad­e­mia de Bel­las Artes de San Fer­nan­do in Madrid fol­lowed the mod­el of the École Poly­tech­nique, with a strong empha­sis on Descrip­tive Geom­e­try, con­struc­tion and, in par­tic­u­lar, Stereoto­my. In the wake of the Cata­lan Renaix­ença move­ment, a new archi­tec­tur­al school was opened in Barcelona. It lacked any kind of sup­port from the Span­ish cen­tral gov­ern­ment, up to the extent that it had to be financed by the Barcelona munic­i­pal­i­ty and provin­cial admin­is­tra­tion. This school had enough dif­fi­cul­ties to open a new front about didac­tic choic­es and, basi­cal­ly, adopt­ed the ped­a­gog­i­cal mod­el of the Madrid school, which had gained its inde­pen­dence from the San Fer­nan­do acad­e­my in 1844.

As a con­se­quence, Antoni Gaudí, trained in the Barcelona school, had a sol­id back­ground in Descrip­tive Geom­e­try and Stereoto­my, which led him to an inno­v­a­tive use of warped sur­faces and oth­er fig­ures in the cat­a­logue of 19th cen­tu­ry Descrip­tive Geom­e­try. In addi­tion to dou­ble-cur­va­ture sur­faces in Casa Milá and many oth­er loca­tions, a clear exam­ple of his approach to warped sur­faces can be seen in a remark­able rere-arch, lean­ing in a round and a point­ed arch, in the Epis­co­pal Palace in Astor­ga, an exam­ple of his ear­ly Goth­ic Revival style [ 11 ]. Rear-arch­es span the area between a lin­tel and an arch, or two arch­es, as in the Arrière-vous­sure de Mar­seille, but these arch­es are usu­al­ly round or seg­men­tal. There is not a sin­gle exam­ple in Gaudí’s most prob­a­ble sources, Leroy’s trea­tis­es on Descrip­tive Geom­e­try and Stereoto­my of a rear-arch rest­ing on a point­ed arch.[31] This sug­gests that Gaudí did not lim­it him­self to a mechan­i­cal appli­ca­tion of Leroy’s mod­els; rather, he assim­i­lat­ed the meth­ods explained in 19th cen­tu­ry stereoto­my trea­tis­es in order to inno­vate in the field of warped sur­faces, putting for­ward again a new form of resis­tance against the canon­i­cal use of devel­opable and reg­u­lar” surfaces.

Félix Candela, Los Manantiales Restaurant, Xochimilco, 1956. Photograph: Dge. CC BY-SA 3.0

Félix Candela, Los Manantiales Restaurant, Xochimilco, 1956. Photograph: Dge. CC BY-SA 3.0

Monge’s text was dis­rup­tive in anoth­er sense. Up to this moments, warped sur­faces had been con­nect­ed almost exclu­sive­ly with stone­cut­ting. As Sakarovitch stressed, the car­pen­ter works with lines, and the cop­per­smith with devel­opable sur­faces; in the prein­dus­tri­al world, warped sur­faces can only be mate­ri­alised in stone, brick or earth.[32] Frézi­er had tried to extend the field of appli­ca­tion of his new sci­ence to wood­work, to jus­ti­fy the title of his book: La the­o­rie et la pra­tique de la coupe des pier­res et des bois … ou traité de stéréo­tomie. How­ev­er, the sec­tion on wood­work­ing in his book is sur­pris­ing­ly short and, in any case, deals with thin veneers that can only be mate­ri­al­ized as devel­opable sur­faces.[33] Mon­ge was much more ambi­tious: he tried to extend the field of appli­ca­tion of Descrip­tive Geom­e­try to all branch­es of the nascent indus­tri­al tech­nol­o­gy.[34] In the con­text of the Indus­tri­al Rev­o­lu­tion, the dif­fer­ence between devel­opable and warped sur­face was essen­tial, since warped sur­faces can­not be mate­ri­alised in sheet met­al with­out cut­ting the sheet; of course, such process brings about mate­r­i­al waste and exe­cu­tion difficulties.

Le Cor­busier used to quote Auguste Per­ret say­ing that We are build­ing in con­crete, but we still think about stone”. In addi­tion to his own oeu­vre, a break­through in these fields was dri­ven by two Spaniards. Eduar­do Tor­ro­ja y Cabal­lé was a full pro­fes­sor of Descrip­tive geom­e­try at the Uni­ver­si­dad Cen­tral de Madrid, who had pub­lished a Teoría Geométri­ca de las líneas alabeadas y las super­fi­cies desar­rol­lables (Geo­met­ric The­o­ry of Warped Lines and Devel­opable Sur­faces).[35] His son Eduar­do Tor­ro­ja Miret, an out­stand­ing civ­il engi­neer, used sin­gle-sheet­ed hyper­boloids on the roof of the Hipó­dro­mo de la Zarzuela Madrid (1941), and in the Cuba de Fedala in Moroc­co (1956).

While Tor­ro­ja Miret stayed in Spain after the Civ­il War, Félix Can­dela went to exile in Mex­i­co, after his involve­ment with the Repub­li­can Army as Engi­neers Cap­tain. He had fol­lowed the archi­tec­tur­al cours­es at the Madrid school, but he got his degree in 1935, in the eve of the Span­ish Civ­il War. In Mex­i­co, he car­ried out some projects as an archi­tect, but he worked more fre­quent­ly as a builder, offer­ing to archi­tects a sen­si­ble and inex­pen­sive con­struc­tion method based in thin con­crete shells in the shape of a hyper­bol­ic parab­o­loid; he was famil­iar with this warped sur­face as a result from his instruc­tion in Descrip­tive Geom­e­try in the Madrid school [ 12 ].[36] In this way, warped sur­faces leapt the increas­ing­ly nar­row fron­tiers of ash­lar con­struc­tion to the expand­ing realm of one of the 20th cen­tu­ry typ­i­cal mate­ri­als, concrete.

Le Corbusier, Philips Pavilion at the Brussels Universal Exhibition, 1958. Photograph: Wouter Hagens. CC BY-SA 3.0

Le Corbusier, Philips Pavilion at the Brussels Universal Exhibition, 1958. Photograph: Wouter Hagens. CC BY-SA 3.0

Le Corbusier, Roof, Assembly Hall, Chandigarh. 1951. Photograph: Eduardo Guiot. CC BY 2.0.

Le Corbusier, Roof, Assembly Hall, Chandigarh. 1951. Photograph: Eduardo Guiot. CC BY 2.0.

Candela’s most fruit­ful years, the Fifties and the Six­ties, over­lap with Le Corbusier’s late peri­od, where the vocab­u­lary and meth­ods of Descrip­tive Geom­e­try fur­nished him a way to break the lim­its of the reg­u­lar” sur­faces of the Twen­ties, such as cylin­ders and cuboids, to delve into a free and com­plex lan­guage includ­ing the hyper­bol­ic parab­o­loids in the Brus­sels Expo Philips Pavil­ion [ 13 ], the one-sheet­ed hyper­boloid in Chandigarh’s Assem­bly Hall, [ 1 ] [ 14 ] or even shad­ow the­o­ry in the Tow­er of Shad­ows in the same com­plex. Thus, this form of resis­tance” involv­ing warped sur­faces, in con­trast with the reg­u­lar” forms in his ear­ly pro­duc­tion, can be seen as a chain in a long process that has its roots in Medieval architecture.

  1. 1

    Joël Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture (Basel-Boston-Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1998), 185–283.

  2. 2

    Euclid, Geom­e­try, c. ‑300, book 11, def­i­n­i­tions 2, 11 and 17.

  3. 3

    Hugh of Saint-Vic­tor, Prac­ti­ca Geome­tri­ae, c. 1120; Domini­cus Gundissal­i­nus, Liber De Divi­sione Philosophi­ae in Partes Suas …., c. 1150.

  4. 4

    Roger Baron "Note sur les Vari­a­tions au XIIe Siè­cle de la Tri­ade Géométrique Altime­tria, Planime­tria, Cos­mime­tria," Isis 48, no. 1 (1957): 30–32; Stephen Vic­tor, Prac­ti­cal Geom­e­try in the High Mid­dle Ages. Artis Cuius­li­bet Con­sum­ma­tio, and the Pratike De Geome­trie (Philadel­phia: Amer­i­can Philo­soph­i­cal Soci­ety, 1979); Hugh of Saint-Vic­tor, Prac­ti­cal Geom­e­try: Prac­ti­ca Geome­tri­ae. Attrib­uted to Hugh of St. Vic­tor. Trans­lat­ed and with an Intro­duc­tion by Fred­er­ick A. Homann (Mar­quette: Mar­quette Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 1991).

  5. 5

    José Cal­vo-López, Stereoto­my: Stone Con­struc­tion and Geom­e­try in West­ern Europe 1200–1900 (Cham: Birkhäuser-Springer Nature, 2020), 610–612.

  6. 6

    Gian­fil­ip­po Caret­toni et al., La Pianta Mar­morea di Roma Anti­ca. For­ma Urbis Romae (Roma: Arti gra­fiche M. Dane­si, 1960); Emilio Rodríguez-Almei­da, For­ma Urbis Mar­morea. Aggior­na­men­to Gen­erale 1980 (Roma: Edi­zione Quasar, 1981); Jen­nifer Trim­ble et. al., Dig­i­tal For­ma Urbis Romae”, https:// /fur; accessed August 16, 2022; Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture, 27.

  7. 7

    Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture, 23.

  8. 8

    Richard of Saint-Vic­tor, "Com­men­tary on Ezekiel", [ca. 1171–1190] MS lat. 14516, Bib­lio­thèque Nationale de France, Paris; Wal­ter Cahn, "Archi­tec­tur­al Drafts­man­ship in Twelfth-Cen­tu­ry Paris: The Illus­tra­tions of Richard of Saint-Victor's Com­men­tary on Ezekiel's Tem­ple Vision," Ges­ta 15, (1976): 247–254; Wal­ter Cahn, "Archi­tec­ture and Exe­ge­sis: Richard of St.-Victor’s Ezekiel Com­men­tary and Its Illus­tra­tions," The Art Bul­letin 76, (1994): 53–68; Karl Kin­sel­la, "Richard of Saint Victor’s Solu­tions to Prob­lems of Archi­tec­tur­al Rep­re­sen­ta­tion in the Twelfth Cen­tu­ry," Archi­tec­tur­al His­to­ry 49, (2016): 3–24.

  9. 9

    Vil­lard de Hon­necourt, et al., "Sketch­book" [ca. 1225]. MS fr. 19093, Bib­lio­thèque Nationale de France, Paris. Vil­lard de Hon­necourt and Carl F. Barnes, The Port­fo­lio of Vil­lard de Hon­necourt: A New Crit­i­cal Edi­tion and Col­or Fac­sim­i­le (Farn­ham: Ash­gate, 2009). There is an unre­solved dis­pute about whether this arti­fact is an album”, that is, a blank book whose sheets were drawn after­wards, or a port­fo­lio”, that is an assort­ment of orig­i­nal­ly inde­pen­dent sheets that was bound after­wards. Thus, we will use the neu­tral term sketch­book”.

  10. 10

    Roland Recht et al., La Cathé­drale de Stras­bourg, Dessins et Plans (Stras­bourg: Les édi­tions des Musées de Stras­bourg, 2015); Hans Koepf, Die Gotis­chen Plan­risse der Wiener Samm­lun­gen (Wien: Böh­lau, 1969); Johann Josef Bök­er, Architek­tur Der Gotik-Goth­ic Archi­tec­ture. Bestand­skat­a­log der Welt­grössten Samm­lung an Gotis­chen Bau­ris­sen … Im Kupfer­stichk­abi­nett Der Akademie Der Bilden­den Kün­ste Wien … (Salzburg-Munich: A. Pustet, 2005); Vale­rio Ascani, "Le Dessin d'architecture Médieval en Ital­ie," In Les Bâtis­seurs des Cathé­drales Goth­iques, ed. Roland Recht (Stras­bourg: Édi­tions les Musées de la Ville de Stras­bourg, 1989), 255–277; Anto­nio Ruiz Her­nan­do. Las Trazas de la Cat­e­dral de Segovia. (Segovia: Diputación de Segovia-Caja de Ahor­ros de Segovia, 2003).

  11. 11

    Hernán Ruiz el Joven, "Libro de Arqui­tec­tura", [ca. 1560], MS R‑39. Bib­liote­ca de la Escuela de Arqui­tec­tura de la Uni­ver­si­dad Politéc­ni­ca de Madrid, f. 46v; Rodri­go Gil de Hon­tañón, "Man­u­scrito" [ca. 1560], includ­ed in Simón Gar­cia, "Com­pen­dio de Arqui­tec­tura y Simetría de los Tem­p­los", 1681, MS 8884, Bib­liote­ca Nacional de España, Madrid, f. 25r; Alon­so de Van­delvi­ra, "Libro de Trazas de Cortes de Piedras", [ca. 1580], copy, MS R‑10, Bib­liote­ca de la Escuela de Arqui­tec­tura de la Uni­ver­si­dad Politéc­ni­ca de Madrid, f. 96v.

  12. 12

    John Fitchen, The Con­struc­tion of Goth­ic Cathe­drals (Chica­go: Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Press, [1961] 1981), 117–122.

  13. 13

    Van­delvi­ra, "Libro de Trazas de Cortes de Piedras", ff. 58r, 58v, 60r; Ginés Martínez de Aran­da, Cer­ramien­tos y Trazas de Mon­tea", [ca. 1600], MS. 457, Bib­liote­ca Cen­tral Mil­i­tar, Madrid, 222–223.

  14. 14

    Martínez de Aran­da, "Cer­ramien­tos y Trazas de Mon­tea", 223.

  15. 15

    Philib­ert de l'Orme, Le Pre­mier Tome de L'architecture (Paris: Fréder­ic Morel, 1567), 126v.

  16. 16

    Por haber de estar los artí­fices con­tin­u­a­mente asi­dos a la mate­ria …” Martínez de Aran­da, "Cer­ramien­tos y Trazas de Mon­tea”. The sen­tence is includ­ed in the first page of the unnum­bered pro­logue to the manuscript.

  17. 17

    Van­delvi­ra, "Libro de Trazas de Cortes de Piedras", 46r.

  18. 18

    Math­urin Jousse, Le Secret d'architecture (La Flêche: George Griveau, 1642), 14–17; François Derand, L'architecture des Voûtes (Paris: Sebastien Cramoisy, 1643), 122–126; Jean-Bap­tiste De la Rue, Traité de la Coupe des Pier­res (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1728), 27–28, plate 17.

  19. 19

    Derand, L'architecture des Voûtes, 172–175.

  20. 20

    Amedée-François Frézi­er, La Théorie et la Pra­tique de la Coupe des Pier­res et des Bois … ou Traité de Stéréo­tomie (Stras­bourg: Jean Daniel Doulssek­er; Paris: Charles Antoine Jombert, 1737–1739), 1: 33–34, 2:35–39.

  21. 21

    Derand, L'architecture des Voûtes, 122–126.

  22. 22

    Frézi­er, La Théorie et la Pra­tique de la Coupe des Pier­res, 2:137–140, plate 37. See also Enrique Rabasa Díaz, "Los Arcos Oblic­u­os en la Traza de Can­tería," EGA Expre­sión Grá­fi­ca Arqui­tec­tóni­ca,, no. 2 (1994): 145–53.

  23. 23

    Frézi­er, La Théorie et la Pra­tique de la Coupe des Pier­res, 2: pl. 28.

  24. 24

    Leon­hard Euler, "De Solidis Quo­rum Super­fi­ciem in Planum Expli­care Licet," Novi Com­men­tarii Acad­e­mi­ae Sci­en­tiarum Pet­ro­pol­i­tanae, no. 16 (1772): 3–34.

  25. 25

    Gas­pard Mon­ge, "Des Lignes de Cour­bu­res de la Sur­face de l’Ellipsoïde," Jour­nal de I’Ecole Poly­tech­nique, no. 2 (1796): 145–65.

  26. 26

    José María Gen­til Baldrich and Enrique Rabasa Díaz, "Sobre la Geometría Descrip­ti­va y su Difusión en España," in Geometría Descrip­ti­va, Gas­pard Mon­ge (Madrid: Cole­gio de Inge­nieros de Caminos, Canales y Puer­tos, 1996), 55–93; Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture, 309–313; Enrique Rabasa Díaz, For­ma y Con­struc­ción en Piedra. De la Can­tería Medieval a la Estereotomía del Siglo XIX (Akal: Madrid, 2000), 296–302.

  27. 27

    Gino Loria, Sto­ria del­la Geome­tria Descrit­ti­va, dalle Orig­i­ni sino ai Giorni Nos­tri (Milano: Ulri­co Hoepli, 1921).

  28. 28

    Jean–Nicolas–Pierre Hachette, Traité de Géométrie Descrip­tive…. (Paris: Cor­by, [1822] 1828), 96.

  29. 29

    Hachette, Traité de Géométrie Descrip­tive, 315–318. See also Rabasa, For­ma y Con­struc­ción en Piedra, 278–286.

  30. 30

    Enrique Rabasa Díaz, "Arcos Esvi­a­dos y Puentes Oblic­u­os. El Pre­tex­to de la Estereotomía en el Siglo XIX," OP, no. 38 (1996): 30–41; Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture, 313–319.

  31. 31

    Charles–François–Antoine Leroy, Traité de Géométrie Descrip­tive … (Paris: Carilian–Goeury, 1834); Charles–François–Antoine Leroy, Traité de Stéréo­tomie … (Paris: Bache­li­er, Carilian–Goeury et Dal­mont, 1844).

  32. 32

    Sakarovitch, Épures d'architecture, 243–244.

  33. 33

    Frézi­er, La Théorie et la Pra­tique de la Coupe des Pier­res … 2: 484–486.

  34. 34

    Gas­pard Mon­ge, Géométrie Descrip­tive, Leçons Don­nées aux Écoles Nor­males, l’an 3 de la République … (Paris: Bau­douin, 1799), 1–4.

  35. 35

    Eduar­do Tor­ro­ja y Cabal­lé, Teoría Geométri­ca de las Líneas Alabeadas y de las Super­fi­cies Desar­rol­lables. (Madrid: For­t­anet, 1904).

  36. 36

    Col­in Faber, Can­dela the Shell Builder (New York: Rein­hold Pub­lish­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, 1963).

Fig­ures 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 are in the pub­lic domain. Fig­ures 1, 12, 13, 14 are under a Cre­ative Com­mons license. Fig­ures 4 and 11 are authors’ photographs.


Ascani, Vale­rio. "Le Dessin d'architecture Médieval en Ital­ie," in Les Bâtis­seurs des Cathé­drales Goth­iques, edit­ed by Roland Recht, 255–77. Stras­bourg: Édi­tions les Musées de la Ville de Stras­bourg, 1989.

Baron, Roger. "Note sur les Vari­a­tions au XIIe Siè­cle de la Tri­ade Géométrique Altime­tria, Planime­tria, Cos­mime­tria." Isis 48, no. 1 (1957): 30–32.

Bök­er, Johann Josef. Architek­tur der Gotik-Goth­ic Archi­tec­ture. Bestand­skat­a­log der Welt­grössten Samm­lung an Gotis­chen Baurissen … Salzburg-Munich: A. Pustet, 2005.

Cahn, Wal­ter. "Archi­tec­tur­al Drafts­man­ship in Twelfth-Cen­tu­ry Paris: The Illus­tra­tions of Richard of Saint-Victor's Com­men­tary on Ezekiel's Tem­ple Vision." Ges­ta 15 (1976): 247–54.

Cahn, Wal­ter. "Archi­tec­ture and Exe­ge­sis: Richard of St.-Victor’s Ezekiel Com­men­tary and Its Illus­tra­tions." The Art Bul­letin 76 (1994): 53–68.

Cal­vo-López, José. Stereoto­my: Stone Con­struc­tion and Geom­e­try in West­ern Europe 1200–1900. Cham: Birkhäuser-Springer Nature, 2020.

Caret­toni, Gian­fil­ip­po; Anto­nio; Col­i­ni, Lucos; Coz­za, and Gugliel­mo Gat­ti, La Pianta Mar­morea di Roma Anti­ca. For­ma Urbis Romae. Roma, 1960.

De la Rue, Jean-Bap­tiste. Traité de da Coupe des Pier­res. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1728.

De l'Orme, Philib­ert. Le Pre­mier Tome de d'architecture. Paris: Fréder­ic Morel, 1567.

Derand, François. L'architecture des Voûtes. Paris: Sebastien Cramoisy, 1643.

Euclid. Geom­e­try. — 300.

Euler, Leon­hard. "De Solidis quo­rum Super­fi­ciem in Planum Expli­care Licet." Novi Com­men­tarii acad­e­mi­ae sci­en­tiarum Pet­ro­pol­i­tanae 16 (1772): 3–34.

Faber, Col­in. Can­dela the Shell Builder. New York: Rein­hold Pub­lish­ing Com­pa­ny, 1963.

Fitchen, John. The Con­struc­tion of Goth­ic Cathe­drals. Chica­go: Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go Press, 1961.

Frézi­er, Amedée-François. La Théorie et la Pra­tique de la Coupe des Pier­res et des Bois … Ou Traité de Stéréo­tomie. Stras­bourg-Jean Daniel Doulssek­er; Paris-Charles Antoine Jombert, 1737–1739.

Gen­til Baldrich, José María, and Enrique Rabasa Díaz. "Sobre la Geometría Descrip­ti­va y su Difusión en España," in Gas­pard Mon­ge, Geometría Descrip­ti­va, 55–93. Madrid: Cole­gio de Inge­nieros de Caminos, Canales y Puer­tos, 1996.

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