2019 / Confluences


Call for Papers: Confluences

The edi­tors of AR 2019 Con­flu­ences are call­ing for papers that address the sub­ject of con­flu­ences with­in and among con­cep­tions and con­struc­tions of art, archi­tec­ture and the city.

“Edification has two principal meanings—to build and to be morally uplifting… That is, edification must be ethical, entailing communication of value choices. In the present situation…the only possibility of edifying in the sense of building is to edify in the sense of ‘rendering ethical,’ that is, to encourage an ethical life: to work with recollections of traditions, with traces of the past, with expectations of meaning for the future.”

Gianni Vattimo

Con­flu­ences form the con­text of expe­ri­ence. Con­flu­ence involves the inex­tri­ca­ble inter­twin­ing of arti­facts, con­cepts and per­cep­tions, with tem­po­ral­ly and phys­i­cal­ly dis­tant and prox­i­mate ori­gins, which are there­by made simul­ta­ne­ous­ly present in expe­ri­ence. Every construction—painting, build­ing, city—is fun­da­men­tal­ly a con­flu­ence (adding / graft­ing / com­bin­ing / inter­ven­ing / lam­i­nat­ing / recon­sti­tut­ing / inter­twin­ing / inter­weav­ing / lay­er­ing / inte­grat­ing / trans­lat­ing / trans­form­ing) of new arti­facts and pre-exist­ing con­cep­tu­al, spa­tial and mate­r­i­al con­texts. Con­flu­ence of the con­tem­po­rary with the lay­ers of the his­tor­i­cal (one thinks of Car­lo Scarpa’s lam­i­na­tions of ancient and local with mod­ern and uni­ver­sal in his con­struc­tions in Venice); con­flu­ence of con­cepts of space, order and per­cep­tion flow­ing from art and archi­tec­ture (one thinks of Alvar Aalto’s engage­ments in his works of George Braque’s idea of tac­tile space”); con­flu­ence of the famil­iar and the unfa­mil­iar (one thinks of Ita­lo Calvino’s trans­la­tions of his city of Venice into all the cities of Kubla Khan’s empire); con­flu­ence of inti­mate and immense, pri­vate and pub­lic, domes­tic and urban (one thinks of Bern­hard Hoes­li and Col­in Rowe’s employ­ment of com­po­si­tion­al strate­gies drawn from Cubist paint­ing in urban design ped­a­gogy); con­flu­ence of ancient and mod­ern, time and place, near and far, abstract and con­crete, time­less and of its time, per­son­al insight and inspi­ra­tion and shared inher­i­tance and tradition—confluence as the mak­ing that allows all these streams to flow togeth­er so as to be simul­ta­ne­ous­ly present in experience.

– Robert McCarter, guest edi­tor AR 2019

Deadlines & Submissions

Abstracts: 30/08/2019
Papers: 30/09/2019