2018 / Correspondences


Call for Papers: Correspondences

“But the imagination is as vast as the universe multiplied by all the thinking beings who inhabit it. It is the first come Among all things, interpreted by the first to come; and, if this last has not the soul that sheds a magical and super-natural light on the natural obscurity of things, then the imagination is a horribly useless thing; it is the first come contaminated by the first to come. Here, therefore, there is no longer analogy, if not by chance; but on the contrary murkiness and contrast, a multicolored field through the absence of a regular culture.”

Charles Baudelaire

Giorgio Morandi: Natura Morta di Vasi su un Tavolo, 1931, etching

Giorgio Morandi: Natura Morta di Vasi su un Tavolo, 1931, etching

Cor­re­spon­dences often shape our per­cep­tion of expe­ri­ence. Cor­re­spon­dences are formed by causal inter­ac­tions: they can be acci­den­tal, inter­sec­tion­al, con­ceived etc. Cor­re­spon­dences bridge dis­tances as whis­pers, as shouts and echoes, as spon­ta­neous reac­tions, as asso­ci­a­tions in time. Most reg­u­lar­ly, one cor­re­sponds with one’s self. We write let­ters, we call, more so we send e‑mails – we tweet. A con­tem­po­ra­ne­ous action is val­u­at­ed by its cor­re­spon­dence with anal­o­gous actions held with­in the inter­pre­tive frame of the past; a past action, event or arti­fact is val­u­at­ed via its cor­re­spon­dence with the inevitable force of becoming—now.

Anecdote 1

In her 1982 per­for­mance "Big Sci­ence" Lau­rie Ander­son reveals to us that "You're walk­ing, and you don't always real­ize it, but you're always falling; with each step, you fall for­ward slight­ly and then catch your­self from falling, over and over, you're falling, and then catch­ing your­self from falling, and this is how you can be walk­ing and falling at the same time". One imag­ines that a body is cor­re­spond­ing—resist­ing and accept­ing—to mul­ti­ple phe­nom­e­na: to grav­i­ty, to the firmity—and certainty—of our ground, to the inher­ent fear of falling, all the while mov­ing for­ward towards some des­ti­na­tion — known or unknown; yet often one’s brain moves sep­a­rat­ed from the metered ordi­nar­i­ness of walk­ing (and falling). For­ward momen­tum is borne upon simul­tane­ity, the dic­tums of man­i­fold correspondences—conscious and unconscious…voluntarily and involuntarily—that result in the uncan­ny abil­i­ty for a lon­gi­tu­di­nal­ly inclined human body to remain ver­ti­cal through the con­stan­cy of "falling and walking".

Anecdote 2

Mau­rice Mer­leau-Pon­ty (as ref­er­enced by the late Mar­co Fras­cari) sug­gests a space of reci­procity formed’ by bodily—live—correspondences: Archi­tec­ture is in the world of the vis­i­ble. This means that the bod­ies of archi­tec­ture sur­round our bod­ies and archi­tec­ture and the human body are one in front of the oth­er and between the two there is not a fron­tier’ but a con­tact sur­face.” In this sense a con­tact sur­face” has thickness…dimension; a con­tact sur­face is a lim­inal print formed via the reci­procity of asso­cia­tive inter­face: a mal­leable space cast from the resis­tive ten­sions of mutu­al pres­ence, of dual­i­ty. This con­tact print is a cast­ing of cor­re­spon­dence. What one takes from the cor­re­spon­dence, how one inter­prets its form, is at the heart of AR Cor­re­spon­dences theme.

The Call

It would seem all too obvi­ous to ref­er­ence the archives of cor­re­spon­dences between his­tor­i­cal­ly known sub­jects; Rilke and Balthus, Berg­er and Christie, Nabokov and Wil­son, Duchamp and Bre­ton, Baude­laire and Delacroix…the archives are filled. Out­side the inter­course of human cor­re­spon­dences lies the less tan­gi­ble inter­face between dis­tances defined by time – cul­ture-to-cul­ture, art-to-art, archi­tec­ture-to-archi­tec­ture, sci­ence-to-sci­ence, and now, for bet­ter or for worse, the con­tem­po­rary glob­al matrix sup­port­ing the frag­men­tal comin­gling of once iden­ti­fi­able cul­tur­al arti­facts upends tra­di­tion­al asso­ci­a­tions and hier­ar­chies. These correspondences—perhaps tac­it, per­haps anarchic—are no less provoca­tive, no less reveal­ing, but how does one frame a crit­i­cal dis­course in order to explore and poten­tial­ly extract—and name—the evi­den­tiary form of the afore­men­tioned con­tact sur­face – the cor­re­spon­dence between? What does one learn from tac­it cor­re­spon­dences and, final­ly, how does the arti­fice of one’s spe­cif­ic lan­guage form the ques­tions con­cern­ing one’s own cor­re­spon­dences with the world?


Pro­fes­sor Dr. Philip Ursprung, pro­fes­sor Robert McCarter, pro­fes­sor Dr. Alber­to Pérez-Gómez, pro­fes­sor Dr. Agosti­no De Rosa, Judith Bird­song, pro­fes­sor Robert M. Macleod and Claude Arm­strong & Don­na Cohen. The edi­tors of AR 2018 Cor­re­spon­dences are call­ing for papers that address the sub­ject of cor­re­spon­dences with­in the per­me­able sphere of archi­tec­ture, art and their allied fields.

Deadlines & Submissions

Abstracts: 30/08/2018
Papers: 30/09/2018